
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Manager's job attracts wide range of candidates

With the closing date for applications for the job of Charlton manager tomorrow, there has been considerable speculation about who might be in the frame. In fact, the job has attracted a very wide range of interesting candidates and we can reveal details of three of them.

Has the time come for a manager from elsewhere in the Solar System? This Martian thinks so after he was alerted to the job by his cousin Graham Poll. By telling the players to assume they were operating under Mars gravity, misdirected passes would suddenly become accurate. There is no problem about methane breathing apparatus as it is already in place at The Valley for the use of referees. Would have to live in Tring.

Dave Draper, former director of football at Midland Alliance club, Leamington thinks the time has come for him to step up a level. Formerly assistant manager at Nuneaton Borough, he says, 'I have seen the right way to do it and the wrong way to do it.' Places great store by players being 'booted and suited' before matches. His USP is that he lives in Priors Marston where the former Charlton owners, the Glikestens, once lived. Comes with own coat without additional charge.

The club is apparently not interested in a foreign manager, but Franz Fischler thinks he could be the man for the job. He would be uniquely placed to sort out the problems with European competition policy that have exercised Richard Murray. Currently manager of Goatherders of Alpenstuck, he has pushed attendances into double figures with half time yodelling competitions.


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